Teacher uses racial slur during discussion with student at New Orleans school


A video surfaced on social media that the principal of Ben Franklin High School said warrants an investigation.

A student inside of one of the classrooms began videoing a heated discussion between a student and his teacher. The student accuses the teacher of using a racial slur.

The exchange continues, and neither the teacher nor the student gives in. Tension, though, boiled over when the teacher repeated the racial slur.

“It happened in the end of first period, and by the end of second period, everyone knew it. There was a sit-in in second period with the principal and students just expressing their feelings about the situation,” student Aaliyah Jones said.

The principal tells FOX 8 that the students became very upset and immediately reported the incident to him. The principal then agreed to have a spontaneous assembly about the issue in the school auditorium allowing students to discuss the overall issues of how to function as a diverse community.

“I think it’s really important that we talk about these issues in school. We have in the past, and I think it’s really good for the teachers to gather around with the students and discuss these things,” student Assan Endiaye said.

“It’s painful. My English teacher was crying for hours because of this. She had to calm another student down. It’s crazy, and it shouldn’t have happened,” said Jones.

Students hope more will come of today’s discussion, and they tell FOX 8 they’re glad the school is investigating.

Dr. Henderson Lewis Jr., the Orleans Parish School Board Superintendent, issued the following statement this afternoon: “As Superintendent, I condemn the use of language of a derogatory or inflammatory nature. As educators we must strive to instill respect and sensitivity to others in our students and hold all adults and students to this standard.”

The incident is under investigation.

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